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How to Optimize Your Website: The Benefits of Using SEO with UX Design

Optimize Your Website

Want to increase your SEO and user experience? Here are some of the benefits of using SEO with UX design. In an ecommerce-driven environment, boosting your organic search metrics is important. To compete with the industry and the powerful social media platforms that will rule the roost in 2022, you have to keep a high authority search rank inside your niche.

The rules of SEO are constantly changing, and with over 200 potential ranking factors to consider, clever marketers are going outside the box to improve their SEO strategy. One example is the potential collaboration between SEO and UX design. As marketers continue to focus on user experience in their SEO strategies, experts predict that ranking scores will rise in response.

Why Is User Experience So Important? 

User experience has always been an important part of any successful marketing plan. The age-old adage “the customer is always right” should be the driving force behind your plan. Improving user experience is important for increasing site activity and engagement.

A streamlined UX design can lead to consistent conversions and high customer retention rates, both of which can boost brand awareness and authority in a crowded ecommerce market. A recent Forrester study found that organizations that promoted UX/UI as part of a campaign plan experienced a 15% decrease in customer switching and a 16% increase in customers’ preference to share positive reviews about the brand with others.

Focusing on the customer experience can have an amazing effect on ecommerce performance. Listening to your audience is one of the most effective methods to build your brand, from optimizing your customer journey and improving your conversational marketing skills to identifying customer pain positions.

But how effective is focusing on UX design for increasing your SEO score? While keyword optimization and strategic content remain important to SEO success, other user experience-related elements such as website navigation and page loading times can greatly impact your organic rankings. Let’s look closer at how UX design might improve your SEO and ranking scores.

How Can UX Design Boost SEO?

UX Design Boost SEO

Google’s search ranking system still confuses even the most intelligent advertisers today. While effective keyword implementation was once the obvious road to success, today’s algorithm takes much more into account. Google has one clear goal: to provide the greatest possible experience for its users. Google considers UX so vital that its algorithm currently includes various user testing parameters to estimate the likelihood of a user liking their experience on a listed site. Here’s when UX design comes into play.

Google’s user testing now considers page loading speed, design, and structure when considering a site’s potential rating. A 2016 Google Analytics study discovered that 53% of people would bounce if a page took more than 3 seconds to load, which reflected the page’s ranking. What’s the takeaway? Keyword placement is irrelevant if your UX design causes customers to leave your page in seconds.

The Benefits Of Blending SEO and UX Design

Using SEO and UX design has some advantages, including increased organic ranking, improved search intent, and higher site engagement.

Here are some of the advantages of combining your SEO and UX design methods.

Improved Site Accessibility 

Choosing site navigation and engagement increases accessibility and opens up your page to people of all abilities. As involvement increases, your SEO rankings will improve. Taking the time to improve user experience and streamline the customer journey will increase conversions, improve your sales funnel, and make your website more attractive to Google’s search engine crawlers.

Improved Mobile Experience

Improved Mobile Experience

Did you know that 54% of Google’s traffic originates from mobile devices? In a world dominated by smartphone technology, planning for the mobile experience has become a top priority for both SEO and UX designers. Optimizing your website for different devices is one technique to satisfy Google’s algorithm.

Creating a responsive design that focuses on mobile accessibility, page speed, and thumb responsiveness will complement your SEO strategy and improve your ranking score. This may be easier said than done, therefore it’s logical that a business owner would want to locate affordable SEO services for small businesses to help improve the UX design of their website and disclose any underlying SEO issues.

How To Optimize Your UX Design for SEO 

If you want to improve your user experience, here are some tips to optimize your UX design for SEO success.

Consult The Metrics 

Consult The Metrics 

Understanding how customers behave is essential for offering an outstanding user experience. Google’s algorithm takes user testing very seriously, as should you. Using analytic tools like Google Analytics to perform an audit and identify your site’s current pain points is a wonderful place to begin.

Discover which pages produce the most engagement and how you may improve certain aspects of your website design. User testing is an excellent method for streamlining your SEO keyword approaches. For example, the pages with the highest engagement could be ideal for your high-ranking keywords, whilst the content on low-performing sites may need to be updated.

Improve Website Navigation

Your navigation system is one of the most important aspects of your website’s UX design. If your customers can’t locate what they’re looking for, they’ll go on to a competitor with better accessibility. Google also prioritizes your navigational skills. To stay high in the website hierarchy, make your site easy to crawl and optimize your content and design for quick access.

To create streamlined navigation, link your flows from top to bottom, increasing links to pages with the best conversion possibilities. It’s also a good idea to optimize your navigation bar because Google crawlers can quickly pick it up and index it. The goal is to keep your bar easy to operate. Dropdowns may be useful for larger sites, but they might be difficult for search engines to index properly.

Consider Visual Design

Visual Design

It’s no secret that any successful website must be visually appealing. However, to prevent slowing down page load times and confusing Google’s crawlers, your UX design should not be overly complex. When incorporating visual aspects into your design, make sure to select user-friendly templates for creating video content and using images. They should be freely accessible to those with disabilities and tiny enough to not slow down loading times.

The trick here is to introduce Alt Text. Including alternative text in your photographs makes it easier for Google to index them and improves accessibility for visually impaired people. Including a descriptive alt text caption of no more than 125 words gives search engine crawlers enough information to analyze the visual, which improves your SEO score.

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Final Thoughts

UX designers must keep up with the ever-changing world of SEO. Optimizing your UX design is a guaranteed approach to boost your website’s SEO and, as a result, attract more customers to your brand or business. If you’re looking to create your online store, both platforms offer many options to suit your needs.