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Top 12 PrestaShop Modules You Need For Your Online Store

PrestaShop Module

Managing an online store can be difficult but with the correct tools, it becomes much easier and more effective. PrestaShop is a popular e-commerce platform with modules that can help you manage your store more effectively. In this blog post, we discuss the top 12 PrestaShop modules that you need for your online business. These Prestashop modules will improve your store’s functionality, customer experience, and sales. Let us get involved here!

1. Ajax Advance Category Search – PrestaShop Module

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Ajax Advance Category Search PrestaShop Module is a strong tool for optimizing your store’s search performance. This module allows users to easily search for products in various categories without the need to refresh the page. This module uses AJAX technology to provide instant search results, making it easier for customers to locate what they are looking for.

An Ajax Advance Category Search module uses Ajax technology to display search results without reloading the full page. It allows your consumers to search quickly and effortlessly.

Key Features Of Ajax Advance Category

  • Live Search: Product information dynamically appears below the field as users type in the search bar. This will enhance their search and potential
  • Category Filter: The module can add a category filter next to the search bar. This allows users to improve their search to specific categories, making it easier to find what they are looking for.
  • Number of Products to be displayed Control: The Ajax Advance category search module allows you to change the number of products that show up in search results. Users can customize the number of items that appear under the search box when they type their query, providing a smooth and efficient search experience.
  • Increased Sales: Faster and more relevant searches can lead to a higher conversion rate, meaning more visitors turn into paying customers.
  • Improve User Experience: The Ajax functionality creates a modern and interactive search experience that surpasses a basic search bar.
  • Improved Customer Satisfaction: A smooth search experience keeps customers happy and coming back for more.

This PrestaShop Module is particularly useful for stores with a large number of products and categories. By enabling quick and efficient searches, it keeps customers engaged and helps them find their desired products faster.

2. Sticky Add To Cart Bar – PrestaShop Module

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The Sticky Add To Cart Bar PrestaShop Module is designed to simplify the shopping experience for your consumers. When a consumer visits the product page, this module will always display an “Add to Cart” button. Customers can now add products to their cart without having to go back up.

Key Features

  • This module is multishop compatible.
  • the module is made responsive as per the Prestashop Standard.
  • Easily Enable and disable module

This PrestaShop Module is perfect for improving the usability of your product pages, ensuring that the “Add to Cart” button is always within reach.

3. Static Footer Links Block – PrestaShop Module

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The Block static footer PrestaShop plugin allows you to provide a static link in the footer of your online store. These links may provide important details such as the privacy policy, policies and processes, and contact information.

Configuration Interface

Add A New Link

  • The settings interface allows the installation of new links to the footer.
  • Link Text: Enter the text that will be shown for the link.
  • URL: Enter the URL that the link will lead to.
  • Language Selection: Select the language for the link text.
  • Open in a new window. Toggle the switch to enable or disable the link that opens a new window.

Footer Display

Improved Layout

  • The footer is divided into multiple sections, including Information, Categories, Products, Our Company, Quick Links, and Shop Links.
  • Information Section: Includes links to shipping, electronics, FAQ, delivery, and accessories.

Using this PrestaShop Module, you can ensure that your customers can easily find important information about your store, which can help build trust and credibility.

4. Product Recommendation Widget – PrestaShop Module

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The PrestaShop plugin with a product recommendation widget is an effective tool for improving sales. This module provides recommended products based on the customer’s browsing and purchasing history. By displaying personalized recommendations, you can encourage clients to add more goods to their carts.

Key Features

  • Customer engagement: Product recommendation widget popups can help to increase customer engagement by encouraging customers to browse other parts of the website.
  • Improved customer experience:  Product recommendations widget popups can help to improve the customer experience by providing customers with relevant product suggestions.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: Ensure popups display well and function properly on all devices (desktop, mobile, tablet).

This PrestaShop Module is a great way to boost your average order value and keep customers interested in your products.

5. Custom Content Parallax Block – PrestaShop Module

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The Custom Content Parallax Block PrestaShop Module adds a modern and dynamic feel to your store layout. This module allows you to create stunning parallax scrolling effects for your content pieces, and make your store look professional and attractive.

Key Features

  • Easy to use: You don’t need to know how to code to use this module. You can simply add your content and choose a background image.
  • Creates engaging visuals: The content parallax block effect can add visual interest to your webpage and make it more engaging for visitors.
  • Can be used for a variety of purposes: You can use this module to showcase products, services, testimonials, or any other type of content.

By using this PrestaShop Module, you can make your store stand out and create a more engaging shopping experience for your customers.

6. Advertising Banner Block – PrestaShop Module

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Advertising Banner Block The PrestaShop module is perfect for promoting special offers, new products, or important announcements. This module allows you to add customizable banners to different parts of your store.

Key Features

    • Increased visibility for promotions.
    • Better customer engagement.
    • Improved sales.

This PrestaShop Module helps you effectively communicate with your customers and draw their attention to important information.

7. Tabular Category Products Block – PrestaShop Module

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Tabular Category: Product Section PrestaShop module your products in a tabular fashion. This module allows users to browse product categories without leaving the page.

Category List Configuration

  • The module allows you to choose which categories to display on the homepage.
  • You can select multiple categories from the list (e.g., Clothes, Accessories) by ticking the appropriate boxes.
  • A modular view of the categories is available, making it simple to select parent and child categories. 

Number of products displayed

  • You can specify the number of products to be displayed for each selected category products block. In the example, the number is set to eight products.
  • This gives you control over the quantity of content displayed, so the site remains orderly and not filled.

Upload Category Banner

  • The module allows you to upload a custom banner for the categories you’ve selected.
  • You can use a file from your system to act as the category products block banner, which improves the visual appeal.
  • A drop-down menu allows you to select the category products block to which the uploaded banner should be assigned, ensuring that graphic elements are placed correctly.

By using this PrestaShop Module, you can create a more intuitive and user-friendly shopping experience for your customers.

8. Newsletter Popup – PrestaShop Module

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The Newsletter Popup PrestaShop Module is an amazing tool for building your email list. This plugin displays a popup that invites users to subscribe to your newsletter. You may customize the popups to fit your store’s layout and offer incentives to sign up.

Key Features

  • Customizable Popup Title and Content:
    Easily change the title and content of the popup to suit your marketing needs and language preferences.
  • Adjustable Popup Dimensions:
    Set the width and height of the popup window to fit your website’s design and ensure it catches the visitor’s eye without being intrusive.
  • Background Image Support:
    Improve the visual appeal of your popup by adding a background image that resonates with your brand or current promotions.
  • Integrated Newsletter Form:
    The popup includes a built-in form for newsletter sign-ups, streamlining the process for users and improving conversion rates.

This PrestaShop Module is a great way to capture more leads and build a strong email marketing strategy.

9. Cookie Bar EU Compliances – PrestaShop Module

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Cookiebar’s EU compliance The PrestaShop module allows your store to comply with EU cookie laws. This module displays the cookie consent flag to visitors, informs them about the use of cookies, and asks for their consent.

In the new module, users can easily pick whether they want to accept, reject, or set up their cookie bar EU preferences with clear buttons. Plus, we’ve added a consent directory on the cookies page so users can easily see what choices they’ve made.

  • Complies with EU GDPR and Google Consent v2 guidelines
  • Create a cookie banner
  • Select cookie banner position
  • Add text to the banner
  • Link to a cookies policy page
  • Set button text to accept cookies
  • Choose how often to redisplay the cookie banner

We’ve made some updates to our module to make your life easier while processing cookies. You now have simple buttons to accept, reject, or customize your cookie settings.

Using this PrestaShop Module, you can ensure that your store meets legal requirements and maintains a trustworthy relationship with your customers.

10. Category Feature Block – PrestaShop Module

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Category Features Section The PrestaShop plugin lets you highlight selected categories on your homepage or other pages. This module is ideal for highlighting featured classes, newcomers, and special promotions.

  • Hot Categories Display:
  • The module allows you to highlight important product categories in the “Hot Categories” area. It has a clean and orderly layout with icons for several categories such as a sideboard, vargueno, cellarette, chair, bath chair, and cupboard.
  • Settings Configuration:
    The module offers a detailed settings page where you can customize the display options for categories. The “Show Category Image” option can be enabled or disabled, allowing you to control whether category images are displayed. You may choose which categories to see on the homepage by checking or unchecking the boxes next to each one.
  • Customizable layouts:
    This module provides a variety of stylish layouts to pick from, to ensure the display is consistent with the overall design of your website.
  • User-friendly Interface:
  • The module’s interface is simple and user-friendly, allowing even users with less technical experience to simply configure and adjust it. The options to expand, collapse, check all, or uncheck all categories allow for more flexibility in category selection.

By using this PrestaShop Module, you can draw attention to key categories and guide customers to the products you want to promote.

11. Ultimate Mega Menu Pro – PrestaShop Module

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The Ultimate Mega Menu Pro PrestaShop Module is an effective tool for developing advanced navigation menus. This module lets you construct multi-level, customized menus with graphics, interactions, and videos.

This menu module allows you to display images of your products on your website. You can choose which products to feature and where to place the images on your homepage.

  • The module can be customized to fit the look and feel of your website.
  • The module can be used to display product images, prices, and descriptions.
  • The module can be linked to different pages on your website, such as product pages and category pages.


  • Customization Options
  • Number of Menu Levels

Category Mega Menu:

  • Clear Labeling
  • Dropdown Menus

Subcategory Mega Menu:

  • Organized Display
  • Direct Links

Using this PrestaShop Module, you can create a professional and easy-to-use menu system that helps customers find what they need quickly and efficiently.

12. Tabular Products Block – PrestaShop Module

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Tabular Product Section The PrestaShop plugin presents your products in a tabular manner, allowing customers to easily compare and browse them. This module is ideal for highlighting relevant products, top sellers, and beginners.

Key Features:

  • Tabbed Categories: Organize products into easy-to-navigate tabular products(New, Featured, Bestseller, Specials).
  • Automatic Updates: Automatically display the latest and most popular products.
  • Customizable Display: Set the number of products to show in each category.
  • Product Listings: Each tabular product displays a selection of products from the chosen category, making it easy for customers to browse and compare.
  • Improve User Experience: Provide a streamlined shopping experience that helps customers find what they want faster.

By using this PrestaShop Module, you can create a more organized and visually appealing product display, which can help drive more sales.


To summarize, these top 12 PrestaShop modules are important for every online store wanting to boost productivity, customer experience, and sales. These modules provide a variety of features, including advanced search capabilities and targeted product recommendations, that can assist you in creating a more successful online business. These PrestaShop Modules allow you to provide your consumers with a pleasant and efficient buying experience.

So, if you own a PrestaShop store, be sure to look into these modules and see how they might benefit your business. With the proper PrestaShop Modules, you can take your online store to the next level and see even more success.