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How to Choose Ecommerce Sales: Inbound Sales vs. Outbound Sales

Ecommerce Sales

Ecommerce Sales in a few groups of covered youngsters are better known for their marketing skills than the Girl Scouts of the United States. Even if you don’t think of them as sharks, you’re probably familiar with at least one or two of their products. Someone you know is perhaps storing a package of Girl Scout cookies in their freezer right now.

So, how did they do it? You can get a competitive advantage in seasonal cookie distribution by properly combining outbound and inbound marketing methods. To emulate the Girl Scouts’ success, small business owners must understand the benefits of both inbound and outbound selling and how (and when) to efficiently implement either method.

How to Choose Ecommerce Sales

What are Inbound Ecommerce Sales?

Inbound Ecommerce sales are those that occur when a customer approaches your organization, usually as a result of a word-of-mouth reference or an encounter with your sales or marketing materials.

Because the inbound Ecommerce sales process needs customers to locate and approach you, a successful inbound sales plan necessitates that firms employ inbound marketing methods to attract new customers. Inbound marketing often entails developing and distributing instructional or promotional content to a company’s intended audience.

Examples of Inbound Ecommerce Sales

Here are some examples of inbound sales that come from strategic inbound marketing:

Sales Through Referrals and Lead Nurturing

After a customer refers a home theatre installation firm to a friend, the friend goes to the company’s website and fills out a contact form. An inbound Ecommerce salesperson responds to the query, gets permission to add the potential customer to an email marketing list, and identifies the consumer as an inbound prospect. Three days later, the company’s email marketing software automatically sends the customer a promotional code, and the customer completes the purchase.

Sales from Search Engine Advertising

When a potential buyer searches for “green rain boots,” an advertisement for a related product displays at the top of the search engine results page. They click the ad and buy a pair of boots.

Sales through Social Media Marketing

A customer sees a promotional post on social media, goes to the company’s business profile, and makes an in-app purchase.

Sales Through Content Marketing

A user searches for “He pain movements” and comes across a marathon training service’s huge collection of training and recuperation resources for runners. Over time, they begin to rely on the company’s blog for information. When they begin training for their first marathon, they buy the company’s marathon training plan and a bundle of coaching sessions.

What are Outbound Ecommerce Sales?

Outbound Ecommerce sales are those that arise from one of your sales representatives proactively contacting a potential customer about your organization. The outbound sales process entails studying sales targets, locating or purchasing contact information, reaching out to start sales discussions, and following up with outbound leads to promote purchases.

Examples of Outbound Ecommerce Sales

Outbound sales are the consequence of outbound marketing, a procedure in which sales representatives contact customers to sell products. Here is a list of outbound sales examples.

Sales From Cold Calling

A sales representative from an artificial rock manufacturer contacts the head of product at a company that creates unique saltwater tank landscapes. The salesperson makes a sales pitch for a collection of multicoloured aquarium rocks and successfully closes the sale.

Sales Through Trade Show Marketing

An Ecommerce sales representative from a camera equipment manufacturer attends a photography and videography trade exhibition, bringing the company’s lightweight, sustainably manufactured tripod. They collect ten email addresses from interested prospects and follow up three days later to see if they can deliver product details. Four customers ask queries and two buy tripods.

Sales Through Social Selling

A shipping company’s sales representative contacts a business owner over LinkedIn to promote custom packaging and fulfilment solutions. They schedule a sales meeting and successfully close the purchase.

Inbound Sales vs. Outbound Sales

Both inbound and outbound Ecommerce sales tactics have the same goal: to make sure that your target customers are aware of your brand, understand your value proposition, and ultimately purchase your items. They simply take various roads to get there. Here is a summary of the similarities and differences between them:


How They Are Similar

Both inbound and outbound Ecommerce sales methods require time. Each option will require you to invest your own time or pay someone to implement it.

How are They Different?

Inbound selling allows you to cast a relatively large net at a minimal cost. Outbound selling is more expensive, especially for companies with a vast potential consumer base, but it can generate higher-quality leads.

Ecommerce Sales Funnel

How They Are Similar

Leads can be generated, nurtured, and converted using both inbound and outbound Ecommerce sales strategies.

How are They Different?

Prospecting is the first phase of the outbound sales funnel, as opposed to the inbound funnel. Prospecting involves gathering a list of sales opportunities and locating associated contact information. The outbound funnel also demands active sales rep interaction at all stages, whereas the inbound Ecommerce sales funnel often only requires active engagement when customers are about to make a purchase.


How They Are Similar

Both inbound and outbound sales strategies can grow alongside your organization.

How are They Different?

As your audience grows, many of your inbound sales strategies will scale organically. You will not necessarily need to produce more web material or post more frequently on social media as your audience expands. Outbound sales efforts, on the other hand, must expand almost in lockstep with reach; if you want to reach twice as many prospects, you’ll need to dedicate twice as many resources to contacting prospective customers.


How They Are Similar

Both inbound and outbound target groups are your ideal customers.

How are They Different?

Inbound sales materials are widely available they can be read by both your complete target audience and others who aren’t your ideal customers (including competitors). Outbound sales messages can be customized to specific persons and will not necessarily be available to a large audience.

Business Type

How They Are Similar

Both strategies apply to firms of all sizes and sectors.

How are They Different?

Outbound sales tactics are especially common among organizations with long sales cycles, smaller target markets, and higher average revenue per sale. This frequently describes B2B businesses, particularly those that sell to enterprise customers. Inbound sales are suitable for B2C enterprises that provide low-cost products.

What are the Advantages of Inbound Ecommerce Sales?

Inbound sales strategies are affordable, scalable, and adaptive. Here’s a summary of its benefits:

Can be Cost-Effective

Inbound sales tactics allow organizations to reach big audiences with each marketing asset. They only assign your sales representatives to contact customers who have expressed an interest in your company.

Highly Scalable

As your customer base increases, more individuals will read your marketing content, but you will not need to create more content or expand your team to convert readers into customers.

Supports the Whole Customer Journey

Inbound sales methods can help create leads and guide customers through the sales funnel. Targeted adverts could spark their interest, prompting them to read a blog post outlining the benefits of your product, after which they may conclude it meets their needs and make a buy.

Does not Require Customer Contact Information

Inbound sales methods do not require you to have comprehensive knowledge about the customers you are targeting. You will undertake target market research to learn about customer demographics, wants, and decision drivers, but you will not require names, phone numbers, or email addresses to run your inbound sales machine.

What are The Advantages of Outbound Ecommerce Sales?

Outbound sales is a different technique from inbound sales, and the advantages of both are equally diverse. Here’s a summary of the benefits of using an outbound sales plan.

Highly Targeted

Outbound sales strategies allow for highly targeted outreach. Instead of developing material for a wide potential audience, you’ll personally contact potential customers who are likely to be interested in your products or services, giving you the ability to customize marketing language and offers. For example, you may modify the benefits you describe to a prospect’s specific needs or provide a customized incentive to secure a particularly valued business connection.

Can Pay Off Quickly

Inbound techniques can take some time to produce results, whereas outbound sales strategies can pay off quickly. You won’t need to progressively increase brand awareness and trust to reach your ideal customers; simply look them up and call them.

Control of The Sales Pipeline

There is such a thing as too much success. During the early stages of the COVID-19 epidemic, for example, the meal delivery firm Blue Apron experienced such a huge surge in inbound sales that it was required to skip deliveries and redirect new customers to a waitlist. Outbound tactics enable you to tailor your efforts to limit sales volume.

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The Final Thought

When choosing between inbound and outbound sales for your Ecommerce sales business, you must examine your specific objectives, target audience, and resources. Inbound sales, which focuses on acquiring customers through content marketing, SEO, and social media, are perfect for organizations that want to create long-term customer connections and reach a specific audience.

This technique is cost-effective in the long run and appeals to digitally smart consumers who prefer to explore and interact with companies on their terms. Outbound sales, which involve proactive outreach through cold calling, direct emails, and advertising, may be extremely effective for organizations intended to create leads and drive quick Ecommerce sales.